The End of Everything

It is midnight at the Winterbourne Psychiatric Institution. The only sound is the staccato hammering of a Smith-Corona Silent-Super typewriter. The crack of its Bakelite keys ricochet through the corridors like six-inch nails pounded into a solid mahogany plank. Known only as Fritz, the man at the typewriter rails against the world while plotting his own suicide. So begins a dark, comedic romp through the complex mind of a man on the edge.

Reviews for “The End of Everything”


Confessions of an Ethical Drug Dealer

This book outlines Fritz's fifty-year journey in buying, selling and experimenting with psychedelic drugs while traveling the world.

Reviews for “Confessions of an Ethical Drug Dealer”


Rave Culture: An Insider's Overview

Based on hundreds of interviews with promoters, DJs and ravers, Rave Culture; an insider's overview, is a comprehensive guidebook to the rave phenomenon for ravers and non-ravers alike. In the last ten years, rave has grown from an underground subculture to an international cultural movement with a unified vision and a global sense of community. Rave is not only responsible for producing the first new music in twenty years, but represents a new sensibility in the areas of fashion, politics, business, sexuality and philosophy.

Review for “Rave Culture”